Tafe Teaching Agreement

Your enterprise agreement defines the terms and conditions of your work, including your compensation, leave, work settlement and dispute resolution process. We have created webinars to support the implementation and declaration of the agreement. Click below, and searh for TAFE-specific training to access these recordings. Victorian TAFE professors in alternating universities are covered by the following dual sector agreements If an enterprise agreement is in effect, the price does not apply. Certificate of completion, you certify that you have completed a program of professional activity for the purpose of reclassification, because there are no two equal people, so you jump through the same tires that everyone simply makes no sense. Experience tells us that students who wish to complete this program will have many questions. Because our program is so student-focused, it is essential that we get to know each other from the beginning. The fee is reduced by $300 for each unit that is allocated via the transfer. Each supervisor must confirm the authenticity of his observations and provide us with proof of his qualifications and experience.

As part of the personal learning plan process, we will ask them how long it will take you best to complete it and give you a guide on what to do and when to complete the course during that time. And if we move forward, we will adapt the plan, whatever plan we need to respond to new information and changing circumstances. The following table shows a recommended order and date for an 18-month period. This can be compressed or extended depending on individual circumstances, and that is what we plan to do at the beginning and revise if you go through the program. Simply put, it will prepare you to participate in a classification assessment application. Fortress Learning has been offering TAA/TAE qualifications to teachers at TAFE Victoria and elsewhere for a decade. Graduates appreciate the structured professional thinking process that reinforces our approach to making these qualifications available. When you complete the program with Fortress Learning, you will get not only the qualifications, but also the confidence that you have the knowledge and skills that these skills are supposed to represent.

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク