Air Canada Jazz Collective Agreement

Air Canada Jazz Collective Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

Air Canada Jazz is a regional airline subsidiary of Air Canada that operates flights to destinations across Canada and the United States. The airline is known for providing excellent services to passengers by offering curated and high-quality aviation experiences. One of the significant aspects of operating such an airline is maintaining a sound working relationship with its workforce. Air Canada Jazz has accomplished this by implementing and adhering to the Air Canada Jazz Collective Agreement.

What is the Air Canada Jazz Collective Agreement?

The Air Canada Jazz Collective Agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for the airline`s workforce. It is a crucial agreement that governs the relationship between the airline and its employees, thereby ensuring that both parties` rights are protected.

The collective agreement was first established in 2010 after Air Canada Jazz and the Canadian Airline Dispatchers Association (CALDA) reached a consensus regarding the terms and conditions under which the airline`s dispatchers would work. Since then, the agreement has gone through several modifications to keep up with changing employment laws and regulations.

What Does the Collective Agreement Cover?

The Air Canada Jazz Collective Agreement covers various aspects of employment, including:

1. Wages and benefits: The agreement outlines the wages and benefits for Air Canada Jazz`s employees. It specifies the remuneration for different job categories and outlines the criteria for determining salary increments and bonuses.

2. Work schedules: The collective agreement specifies the working hours for different job categories and outlines the overtime policies for employees who work beyond their regular working hours.

3. Job security: The agreement discusses layoffs, job security, and severance pay for employees who might lose their jobs due to restructuring or other reasons.

4. Health and safety: The agreement outlines the airline`s policies regarding occupational health and safety. It also specifies the responsibilities of the management and employees in ensuring a safe working environment.

5. Grievance procedures: The collective agreement describes the procedures that employees can use to file complaints or grievances with the management.

How Does the Collective Agreement Benefit Air Canada Jazz and Its Employees?

The Air Canada Jazz Collective Agreement benefits both the airline and its employees in several ways:

1. Provides a stable working environment: The collective agreement ensures that employees` rights are protected and that they enjoy a stable working environment, which is vital to their productivity and overall well-being.

2. Enhances working conditions: The agreement helps to improve employees` working conditions by ensuring that they receive fair remuneration, adequate benefits, and a safe working environment.

3. Promotes good relations between employees and management: By providing a clear framework for resolving grievances and complaints, the collective agreement helps to promote good working relations between employees and management.

4. Ensures compliance with employment laws: The collective agreement ensures that Air Canada Jazz complies with Canadian employment laws and regulations.


The Air Canada Jazz Collective Agreement is an essential document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for the airline`s workforce. It is a legally binding agreement that benefits both the airline and its employees by providing a stable working environment, enhancing working conditions, promoting good relations between employees and management, and ensuring compliance with employment laws. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the collective agreement`s provisions, as it affects both the airline and its employees.

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