Brand Name Usage Agreement

16. In the event of a dispute arising from this agreement, the same thing is referred to the arbitration procedure of a common arbitrator, if it is agreed or in the absence of such an agreement, to two arbitrators appointed by each party, and the arbitration procedure is currently governed by the arbitration law. 5. The licensee has the right to refuse the goods delivered if they do not comply with the specifications or qualifications communicated to the licensee, and in the event of a refusal, the licensee removes the refused products from the licensee`s premises at his own expense and, until they are withdrawn, they are at the risk of the purchaser. The licensee agrees that the licensee does not manufacture these products by someone else during the stay of this contract. 10. This agreement will remain in force for a period of -19 years from the date of that period and, at the expiry of the previous period or termination of the agreement, as stipulated in this agreement, the taker will cease to manufacture these products under that mark and all goods manufactured until then and not disputed to the donor will be delivered to the licensee for the purposes of the agreement. 13. If, during the registration of the licensee as a registered user, the Registrar of Trademarks imposes a condition that is not acceptable to the licensee, the licensee will withdraw the application for registration or the licensee will have the opportunity to terminate the contract.

11. If the licensee violates a clause in this agreement, the licensee has the right to terminate the contract up to fifteen days before the policyholder`s written termination and, at the end of the termination period, that contract is terminated, unless the infringing violation in question has been corrected to the satisfaction of the licensee. 12. The licensee may, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, register as a registered user in accordance with the provisions of the Trade-Merchandise Marks Act 1958. 4. The price of the goods delivered is paid against delivery by the licensee after being deducted from the licence fee that the purchaser indicates to the donor below as follows. 2. The licensee produces and sells the viz goods – the taker counts products manufactured and sold to the licensee, the taker, (9) and the price and royalties he paid are, from time to time, consulted by the licensee. The licensee also has the right to enter the premises of the taker where the goods are manufactured and to check the goods. 1. The licensee is the holder of a trademark specifically described in the list listed above and duly registered under the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act 1958.

7. The licensee is free to label or promote the manufacture of these products, but it is also mentioned that the brand belongs to the licensee and that the products are made for the benefit of the licensee. 6. Ownership of this mark still remains in the hands of the licensee and the purchaser will not pass on those products as if he were the owner of that mark. 3. Products made with this brand are delivered by the licensee in its commercial premises at the address – for its own transport costs and delivered to the licensee. 8. 8. In view of the licensee that allows the purchaser to manufacture these products with this brand, the purchaser agrees to pay the dealer an amount equal to ______________per cents of the price of the products to which they are sold by the taker, as mentioned above, to the licensee.

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク