Which Of The Following Statements About The Wto Anti-Dumping Agreement Is True

An anti-dumping measure applies only in the circumstances of Article VI of the GATT of 1994 and as a result of investigations opened (1) and conducted in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. The following provisions govern the application of Article VI of the 1994 GATT, to the extent that measures are taken within the framework of anti-dumping provisions or regulations. 2.6 In the course of the agreement, the concept of “similar product” (similar product) must be interpreted as a product in all respects identical to that of the product concerned, that is, in the absence of such a product, another product which, although not the same in all respects, has characteristics very similar to those of the product concerned. The committee, which meets at least twice a year, offers WTO members the opportunity to discuss all issues related to the anti-dumping agreement (Article 16). The committee reviewed national legislation notified to the WTO. This raises issues relating to the enforcement of national anti-dumping laws and regulations as well as issues of consistency of national practices with the anti-dumping agreement. The committee also reviews MPs` communications on anti-dumping measures and provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised in specific cases. The committee has created its own body, the ad hoc implementation group, open to all WTO members, which will focus on technical implementation issues, i.e. how to ask questions that often arise in the management of anti-dumping legislation. The 1994 GATT contains a number of fundamental principles that apply to trade among WTO members, including the principle of the most favoured nation. It also requires that imported goods not be subject to internal taxes or other modifications beyond imported goods for domestic goods, and that imported goods not be treated less favourably than domestic products in other respects, as well as rules on quantitative restrictions, royalties and customs procedures related to import and assessment of duties.

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク